Thursday, November 17, 2011

Walking the Dog?

Dogs is OK, I guess, but I have never understood this walking the dog stuff.

As near as I can tell, most of them can walk all by themselves.
In fact they seem to enjoy walking, as you almost never see them driving around

or riding anywhere

I guess they sometimes hitch a ride

I think she uses velcro.

Mostly you see people walking their dog

sometimes people walk a bunch of dogs

I think this guy owns way too many pooches.


Not a bad hat, though.

No, I'm talking about the one on the third dog from the right. I guess the one the guy is wearing looks nice, but I has three or four like that one already. As for me I likes the one most that Mumzie made for me that Da thinks she gave to him for his Birthday.

Peaches and Herb likes it too.
Sadly, they don't own any hats, cause Hamsters don't hear hats (duh).

I need to get back to walking dogs though.

Sometimes the dog walks the person

I think this is how they walk the dog in Ohio.

Evidently there is no age limit on how old a dog must be to take someone for a walk.

Or even who must be in charge of the walk.

They say it's good exercise.

For the walker and the walkee,


I decided I might take up this hobby.

Then I discovered to walk something, I needed something to walk (duh).

I tried to walk Fluffy Kitty

but he was uncooperative when I approached him with the leash

So I is persuing this exerhobby with other friends

Peaches took to the leash right away but Herb is still largely uncooperative.

I figure hamster walking will become the rage when peoples sees me doing it.

Heel Herb ... Heel Herb ... Herb! ... HERB!

I may have to send him to that hamster whisperer guy on Discovery Channel.

1 comment:

  1. hey Dog Walking is seriously a fun job, i like to do this and it is so enjoyable, its only that you should be a pet loving person.
