Ya Betcha, Sax Fans, today is Adolphe Sax's Birthday!
This Happ'nin Dude was born on this date (November 6), way back in 1814 which makes him even older than Da, who is the oldest looking dude I knows. He (Adolphe, not Da) was born in Dinat, Belgium. This town is not only famous for old Adolphe and his Sax invention, but also for the Dinat Eats House, which later became known as the Dinat Diner, or simply the Diner. The popularity of the Dinat Diner eventually led to the following common dinnertime invitation,
"Hea Mumzie, why not take a certain little Poly Bear down to the Diner for Dinner? We could dine out on All You Can Eat Cat Fish Sticks, Killer Okra and Hush Puppies, especially if Da is paying."
But we is not here to talk about Cat Fish, Hush Puppies and Fried Okras, with maybe a little cabbage slaw on the side and a tummy rub when we gets home, although that sounds pretty good. We is here to honor old Adolphe and his Saxophone.
The following excerpt is taken from The ZeroBear PolyBear Encyclopedia of Important Stuff:
The following excerpt is taken from The ZeroBear PolyBear Encyclopedia of Important Stuff:
Saxophones come in all sizes, and shapes, Here you see illustrated the Small, Medium and El-Gigante-SoBigWeHadToWIndUpTheTopToGetItInThePhoto size Saxes. Also there (on the bottom) is one that sadly got the crooked part all straightened out.
It was an assident. FluffyKitty did it. I swears it was that way when we opened the case, and we tried to bend the crook back but it wouldn't bend!
More from the ZBPBEOIS
Adolphe's crowning achievement was the Super Colossal Meatza-Pizza.
No wait, that was Mama Meatza's claim to fame.
Adolphe's greatest achievement was the Super Humongous Size XXXX Sax,
Which is stored outside in the weather in Dinat, cause he forgot to invent a Sax case big enough to hold it.
Lots of famous peoples got their fame playing the Sax.
Let's see how many you can name:
The pride of The Hope, Arkansas High School WildCats Marching Band, Wild Billy ReedSnapper Clinton
Clarence Clemmons - shown here backing up Bruce on E-Street
Mr. Jimmy Dorsey
(His pocket handkerchief is a nice touch, especially if he has MeatZa Pizza after his gig and gets sauce all over his chin)
Mr. John Coltrane. This dude knew Jazz Sax and hats. IMO Lots of folks toots a good Sax, but not everyone knows how to wear a hat with style. Mr Coltrane stands out both in Sax and Hat. Mumzie says ciggies is bad for you and I has never smoked one. Sadly, I has had several bad experiences with ciggy lighters, though but we don't need to go into a lot of detail about that.
An unfortunate assident. I wants to publically state that the Fire Marshall filed no charges here or with the several other incidents. We has been dropped by State Farm, though (wimps).
Back to famous folks that has licked a reed
Miz Candy Dulfer
(I think I has a new Dutch Girlfriend)
Oh I forgot - Mr. Allan Greenspan.
Dude blows a mean Sax when he ain't setting financial policy stuff.
Sadly, Adolphe, got some kind of weird disease that evidently turned him into Bronze
He died and is buried in this box
I has no idea why it has a green screen door.
Maybe green paint was on sale the week they painted it.
As youse can tell, He is much respected by your'se truly, cause I is into musical instrument design myself. My greatest accomplishments is shown here:
The Gets-fiddles allows you to start your own string ensemble with no help from anyone.
The BigFoot ax (duh)
The Hit Man Horn discourages complaints from your audience.
and my Piece De Resistance
The 9mm Sax O Matic Crowd Disperser
Nice to have in dangerous venues, when the mosh pit tends toward rowdy.
As shown here.
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