Yesterday, Da took Mumzie and me out
for an adventure truck ride
Yes, that is one of the wild animals we encontered
out there in the rural wilderness.
While we were out there on OldRock Road I had
a EureKa! moment and now you have the chance to
benefit from a once in a Monday opportunity.
For a limited time, ZeoBear PolyBear Enterprises, LLC
is offering you the privilege of ordering a swell
rock (similar to the one shown here), carefully selected for
you by ZeroBear PolyBear himself (or one of his assistants)
during his latest adventure trip down OldRock Road..
Yes, friends, these are not new rocks.
They are not adolescent rocks.
They are genuine Old Rocks!
you can purchase one of these swell rocks for your
very own.
Imagine what your friends will say when they learn that
you got in on the ground floor and were the first in your
neighborhood to own your very own Old Rock.
ZeroBear PolyBear Rocks come with a certificate of
certification and a specially constructed cardboard
box, suitable for storage of your rock.
Does Cost matter to you?
Well, today only, you can purshase your collector series
rock for only $57.00, plus $43.00 shipping and handling!
Act now, there is no knowing how long we will be able to
make this offer before Da finds out and shuts down this
scam opportunity.